A Tale of Two Sisters, an Ancient Faery Legend, and a Band of Kindred Spirits

One distant twilight eve, as winter was melting into spring, and the light of day once again surrendered to the advancing darkness, the veil between the worlds grew thin. And at that very moment, twin sisters, traveling along a familiar woodland trail in the Plain World, paused at a crossroad to contemplate their next turn and took a deep breathe together as they thought.

In that exact moment between breaths, they paused…and in that pause, they found themselves instantly transported through a hidden portal, apart from time, apart from place, through the veil and into the OTHERWORLD.

Out of the mists of the great beyond, they found themselves washed up on the shores of what we now call Mer Cove. They rested on a soft blanket of land bordering the cove, and when they awoke they explored their mysterious surroundings. What they discovered lit up their eyes, and warmed their cheeks. Pastures of meadowland covered in wildflowers, rolling verdant hills, dark woods teeming with twinkling lights and the tinkling sound of bells.

As they walked the land they felt a peace and a stillness they never thought possible.Could this fair isle be enchanted? It was then that Gypsy recalled a passage once read in an ancient mystical tome:

“In the in between times when day fades into night or Spring melts into Summer and at the in between places where paths converge, a veil is parted between the Worlds and One may enter the Otherworld, the world of Faery. But use much caution Dear Ones! For you have entered The Faery Crossing and none return unchanged.”

“That’s it! We’ve found it, ” said Zenspun excitedly. “This is the end of the world and the beginning of everything,” she giggled.

And that is how the sisters, Gypsy Tripsa and Zenspun Heron, discovered the ancient Faery Crossing of lore, that magick portal, forgotten for eons, crusted and crumbling from disuse. A portal that allowed the pure of heart and blithe of spirit to travel between the worlds… between the Plain World and the Otherworld, the world of Faery.